Onogi Shigekatsu (小野木重勝)

Shigekatsu ONOGI was a busho (Japanese military commander) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period. He was a Toyotomi clan retainer, and he was the lord of the Fukuchiyama-jo Castle in Tanba Province.

He was born in 1563.

Documents on Shigekatsu give varied information and have spurred different theories. One record states that during the time Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI was the lord of Nagahama-jo Castle (Omi Province), Shigekatsu, who served directly under Hideyoshi, was outstanding as kihoroshu and then moved up to ohoroshu. In 1584, he joined the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, guarding Kanbe-jo Castle in Ise Province and Yodo-jo Castle in Yamashiro Province.
In 1585, he was awarded Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and appointed nuidononosuke (Vice-minister of Division in charge of sewing)

In 1589, he and Mitsunari ISHIDA made an inspection tour of Mino. In 1590, he also participated in the conquest and siege of Odawara, participated in the Bunroku War in 1592, and took a ship to attack Jinju Castle. In 1595, he was awarded Tanba Fukuchiyama-jo Castle and 40,000 koku of land.

In the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he sided with the West force as a favor to Toyotomi and guarded the Unagidani Town Bridge, Osaka in July, and later led a force of 15,000, a combined force of Tajima and Tanba troops, and attacked Tanabe-jo Castle (also called Maizuru-jo Castle) in Tango Province, and Yusai HOSOKAWA, who was on guard, surrendered the castle. Thereafter, however, in the main battle on October 21, the West force was defeated, and Shigekatsu withdrew from Tanabe-jo Castle in Tango to Fukuchiyama-jo Castle. Soon after, he was attacked by Tadaoki HOSOKAWA and defeated. Then, he pleaded with Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, through Naomasa II and Shigekatsu MAEDA, for his life, which was refused, and he committed suicide with his sword at Kasen-an of Jodo-ji Temple (currently Jusenin Temple) below Kameyama-jo Castle (Tanba Province). His age at death was 38. Hearing of his suicide, his wife also committed suicide.

His head was displayed in public in Sanjogawara, Kyoto City. He is buried at Jusenin Temple in Kameyama City where he committed suicide.

[Original Japanese]